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Forgot password

Simply click on the "Forgot your password?" link on the Login page and we will email you the password hint (first 4 characters of your password). If you still cannot remember your password, please contact us to reset the password. A system-generated password will be sent to your email address. However, your account will be suspended if you attempt to login with the wrong password five consecutive times. Please contact us to reactivate your account.


Changing email or password

To change any of your details you need to:

  1. Login to "my account" (using the email address registered with us)
  2. Click on "edit profile"
  3. Overtype on the fields you would like to change and click "submit"
  4. You will receive a verification email at new email address. Please click the link in the email to activate your new email address.

Remember, if you've changed your email address or password, you'll need to use these the next time you log in. Please note that all your e-newsletter subscriptions and order confirmations will be sent to your new email address.


Clear saved personal information

You can choose to save your delivery information and/or your credit card details during the checkout process so that the system will automatically complete such information in your next purchase. If you would like to clear such information saved in our system, you can do so anytime by clicking the button at the bottom of the "edit profit" page in "my account" to clear your saved delivery address or clear saved credit card details.


View order history and status
Verifying PaymentYour payment is currently being verified or processed.
Unsuccessful orderYour credit card information is incorrect or the card is invalid. You are advised to contact your card issuer for assistance.
Payment IncompletedYour order has been received successfully. However, due to system upgrade of our payment gateway, your payment is not yet completed. An email with details on how to complete your payment will be sent to you within 24 hours.
Awaiting PaymentWe are currently awaiting your payment by Telegraphic Transfer, Cheque or Direct Deposit into bank account. It takes up to 2 business days to clear such payment from the corresponding financial institution.
Awaiting Additional PaymentWe are currently awaiting your additional payment due to order amended.
PackingYour order is currently being processed or packing for shipment. During this "Packing" status, there will be no amendment or cancellation of your order can be made. Your credit card will not be charged until this order is Dispatched.
DispatchedYour order has been dispatched from our warehouse in Hong Kong and is on the way to your delivery address. Your credit card will be charged at this stage.
CancelledYour order has been cancelled per your request or due to our inability to verify your credit card information. All cancelled orders will not be dispatched and charged.
ReturnedWe have received your returned items, and will process refund to you.

Copying order

If you are always buying the same things on, you can find your previous order in "my account > order history", click on "details", and you will find a "copy order" button. Once you copy the order, all the products you have purchased in the previous order will be put in your shopping basket and you can proceed checkout immediately.


Tracking orders

As a customer you will be able to track the status of your order. You can click the hyperlink on Dispatch Notice for the shipping details.


My favorites

Now, makes it convenient for you to shop and save your favorite products for a later purchase.

You can save up to 20 beauty products in "My Favorites" list. The beauty products you love and want to replenish are at your fingertips to buy when you need them. No more searching for products you need each month, just select those items from "My Favorites" list and checkout.

To create or modify "My Favorites" list, you will need to register as a member and login. To add items to your list, just search for the item you want and click "Add to my Favorites" on the product detail page. This will automatically add your favorite item to your list. To modify your list, just login and click the "My Favorites" link to manage your Favorites List. You can remove items by clicking remove button located next to the product. When you are ready to purchase the items, just place them in your basket. Shopping has never been so easy!


My product alert

Should the product that you would like to buy is temporarily out of stock, you may click the "Product Alert" button on the product detail page to save it in "My Product Alert" list. Once these products become available again, we will notify you by email. Please note that when the email is sent, the item will be removed automatically from your "Product Alert" list.

To modify your list, just login and click the "My Product Alert" link to manage your list. You can remove items by clicking remove button located next to the product. You can save up to 20 products for product alert.


Bonus Points

To view your Bonus Points balance, just login to "my account". Your Bonus Points will be valid till 31 March every year and you will start a new Bonus Points program from 1 April afterwards. The expiry date of your Bonus Points is shown on the "my "account" main page.

Please note that all orders placed before December 2004 do not entitle to any Bonus Points.


Beauty Consultant Code

The Sa Sa Group, has trained over 1000 beauty consultants throughout Asia to assist customers at our retail stores. These consultants undergo extensive training in skin analysis, product knowledge and now internet training so as to ensure a highest level of customer service is available at all times. You may want to recognize the efforts of our beauty consultants' efforts in introducing you to our products and services on the Internet. If so, please type in your beauty consultant number in the box indicated on your shopping profile. will pass on your thanks accordingly. You will not be charged in any way for doing so.